
Have you noticed that your Team’s energy levels and enthusiasm is starting to wane? It’s that time of year, when winter is already too long, holidays are a distant memory, and the productivity of your company is just not as high as it could be. While the mid-year slump can be hard to avoid, there is one sure way to boost morale and the mood of your employees while motivating them for the last big push before the year ends.

Let us create a Mid-Year Function that is combined with a Teambuilding Event and see instant great results, with employees that are more engaged and eager to go the extra mile and work determinedly better as a team for the remainder of the year.

Evenings on the Diamond X Cowboy Ranch are magical, with more stars than you’ll ever see in the city, and of course most of our visitors are City Slickers with taxing jobs like yourself. After a productive day spent Teambuilding at the Ranch, your team will gather around the fire and reflect on the day’s events. 
Staring into the fire surrounded by the night-time bush sounds the conversation easily turns to traditional fire-side stories, myths and legends. 

Storytelling is a great way to build on the interpersonal relationships of a group, giving people (especially the shy ones) a chance to talk in front of a group but in a more fun and social setting. The crackle of the fire and the low lighting of being outside lends itself perfectly to reducing the stage fright and enhancing the imagination of the audience.

Just one of the many reasons to book at Diamond X Cowboy Ranch!

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